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overlay-kit is a library designed to simplify the management of overlays commonly used in web services developed with React. By handling the opening and closing of overlays declaratively, it enhances code readability and maintainability.

Easier State Management

Using overlay-kit simplifies the state management of overlays.

Managing the state for opening and closing overlays traditionally requires defining multiple state variables and functions, leading to complex and cumbersome code. With overlay-kit, you can streamline overlay state management.

Increased Code Cohesion

Increase the cohesion and readability of your code with overlay-kit.

When the logic for opening overlays, state changes, and overlay components spreads across the code, it can be challenging to follow the code flow. Low cohesion leads to reduced readability and higher chances of bugs. Additionally, boilerplate code for overlays unnecessarily lengthens the codebase and complicates maintenance. overlay-kit reduces repetitive code, making your codebase more concise.

Robust Built-in Typing

overlay-kit provides strong type definitions for all functions. It is fully compatible with TypeScript, allowing developers to code with type safety and catch errors at compile time.

Released under the MIT License.